Final Portfolios:

Final portfolios are due by 5 p.m., Monday, Dec. 14. All late work will have a 10 percent deduction for each day it is late, and no final work will be accepted after Dec. 16.

Portfolio components:

• first and revised drafts of flash nonfiction pieces

• first and revised drafts of received form/hermit-crab essays

• One essay, 700 to 1,000 words, which discusses the revisions made within the context of considering the lyric essay itself, both as a mode of writing and as a literary genre. You should consider the approaches you took as a writer, the choices you made in revision, as well as the larger questions raised about the genre that were discussed in our critical readings and other readings of published lyric essays this semester. To the degree necessary, this essay should use proper MLA citation (for published essays and critical references; not for your own work).

Format: If turning in hard copy, make sure all elements of the portfolio are properly labeled. For digital copies, please email to my SFUAD email address and attach each element as a separate document with a digital title that indicates what it is. If you email your final portfolios, I will email you back with confirmation of receipt. If you don’t hear from me, I did not receive it. Please only send from your SFUAD email address. Hard copies can be left in the box at my office BEN 219.